Memahami konsep dan strategy supply chain dan pengaruhnnya terhadap kinerja perusahaanMenguasai teknik dan strategi dalam menerapkan supply chainMenilai kelemahan dari sistem yang ada, mencari pemecahan dan menerapkannyaMenguasai teknik dalam mengintegrasikan fungsi antar liniMendapatkan practice dan tips dalam pengelolaan supply chain CONCEPTS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT
a. How the Supply Chain Works
b. Major Supply Chain Drivers
c. Participants in the Supply Chain
d. Aligning the Supply Chain with Business StrategySUPPLY CHAIN OPERATIONS: PLANNING AND SOURCING
a. Model of Supply Chain Operations
b. Demand Forecasting, Product Pricing (Plan), Inventory Management (Plan), Procurement (Source)
c. Case Study: Soup Campbell, IBM,
d. Supply Chain in Distribution and Warehouse
e. Wall Mart, Sears, Roebuck & Co, Del-Nat Tire CorpSUPPLY CHAIN OPERATIONS: MAKING AND DELIVERING
a. Product Design (Make) & Production Scheduling
b. Facility Management
c. Case Study : Motorola, HP, Gillette USA
d. Order Management & Delivery Scheduling
e. Outsource Supply Chain Operations
a. Coordination in the Supply Chain
b. Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment
c. Start Supply Chain Collaboration
d. Information Systems that Support the Supply ChainMEASURING PERFORMANCE: SUPPLY CHAIN METRICS
a. Model of Markets and Their Supply Chains
b. Market Performance Categories
c. Customer Service Metrics, Internal Efficiency Metrics & Demand Flexibility Metrics
d. Case Study : P&G Co, Logitech, Williams-Sonoma IncDEVELOPING SUPPLY CHAIN SYSTEMS
a. Organizing the Systems Development Project
b. Designing Supply Chain Systems & System Design Process
c. Supply Chain Process Mapping
d. Create the Detailed Project Plan